Category Archives: Featured


Martin Baynton on WotWots, Jane and the Dragon and world domination

Martin Baynton creator of WotWots, Jane and the Dragon and also the author of more than thirty children’s books is talking to Berkshire Woman from New Zealand’s world famous Weta Workshop about his work and his plans for the future.

BW: Many of our readers would know your WotWots from the Channel 5’s ‘Milkshake’. So 99 countries with WotWots is quite a number. Are you planning World domination?

MB: Oh yes! It’s very exciting Continue reading

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Interview with Denise Linn and her daughter Meadow Linn

I was delighted to hear world famous writer, lecturer and spiritual teacher Denise Linn had agreed to do an interview with Berkshire Woman. I read Denise’s books for years and always learned something from them. This year Denise has written a new book with her daughter Meadow Linn which is just about to come out. I was interested to read and review this book, called ‘The Mystic cookbook’. Suffice to say I was intrigued by the idea of a spiritual kitchen and mindful cooking. (My review will be available online very soon.)
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