arth in a hand

What is Geopathic Stress?

To celebrate the  Earth Day lets talk about the ancient art of dowsing and the impact of the Earth herself on our homes, our health and our living environment.

arth in a hand

How Healthy is Your home?
There seems to be growing interest in all things concerning health of homes and environment. With the rise of telephone masts and wireless internet there is less and less certainty about just how healthy or unhealthy our home environment is.
The question is do we really know enough about and do we have any control over our environment in the 21st century?
With this in mind, we have started our new section called Healthy Homes in which we have invited various environment health experts to talk about what they know best- how to diagnose any issues with and how to keep your homes healthy and happy for you and your family in the long term.
We have already talked about the toxicity of everyday chemicals in an average home and are continuing the discussion by celebrating the Earth Day and publishing a piece about the ancient art of dowsing and the impact of the Earth herself on our homes and living environment.
We chose some beautiful images of our lovely planet as a treat.
The first in this series is about Geopathic Stress written by well-known dowser and our in-house expert Susan Scott Powell.
What is Geopathic Stress?
Often known as “sick building syndrome”,Geopathic Stress is a disruption or distortion of the Earth’s natural energy field causing harmful radiation to be released from the earths surface.  This can be harmful to your health especially if your bed is placed on a geopathic stress line.  After all we spend many hours of our time sleeping.
What causes these lines?
Any disruption to the earth surface can cause a negative line to appear, for example, if your neighbours have recently dug foundations for an extension, roadworks, or anywhere where there has been earth “acupuncture”.  The cause may not be in the immediate vicinity.
Underground streams are also known to create this energy.

Photo courtesy of Pexel

What are the effects?
You might be feeling tired or depressed, exhausted, or nervous; suffer from insomnia, restless sleep, awake feeling unrefreshed; your children often bed wetting ;  frequent electrical breakdowns or plumbing faults in your house;  disagreements with neighbours; perhaps you are  having difficulty selling your house, or the energy in your house may feel heavy and oppressive, or just plain uncomfortable.
More importantly, Geopathic Stress can be detrimental to health by lowering the immune system and therefore making you more susceptible to illness.
Geopathic Stress can cause many problems!
beautiful stream

Photo courtesy of Pexel

How do I know if I have it?
There are many external signs: Look for building deterioration, cracks in brickwork, electrical breakdowns.
Environmentally, have a look to see if you have ivy, foxgloves, elder, or nettles in your garden as these are the plants which love this negative energy and will thrive in it.  Most other plants and trees will die or have stunted growth if they are planted on one of these lines.  Some trees grow to avoid this energy by bending over!
Bees, wasps, and ants love this negative energy and will build their nests on the line so be aware that this is a sign of the presence of Geopathic Stress.  Cats also favour this energy and will actively seek it out.  Does your cat have a favourite place to sleep?

Photo courtesy of Pexel

Self-help: What can you do?
If you are having trouble sleeping, awaking unrefreshed, or your children are bedwetting or having nightmares, the first positive step would be to move their beds to a different position.
In my 40 years’ experience as a dowser and healer, I have found that it is important in order to regain and maintain your good health to have the house “healed” by a professional healer/dowser, otherwise you are living in a space which is continually draining your batteries and no amount of healing will succeed one hundred per cent, unless this is addressed in the first instance.
In experienced hands, dowsing using rods or a pendulum will give a “Yes” or a “ No” answer to your questions, thus enabling treatment of the house or person.
If you feel you may have a problem, then most dowsers would be able to tell you whether you have geopathic stress by dowsing, on being given the address of your home.   Some will visit, but most now work remotely using floor plans of your house to locate by dowsing and to neutralise any lines. We can work in this way with Clients all over the world to help them recover and stay healthy.

Photo courtesy of Pexel

There may also be other energetic phenomena which are affecting the energy, such as energy spirals, underground streams, or ley lines.
Dowsing is an ancient art and is not just used for finding water. It has many practical uses.  You can use dowsing to identify which vitamins and minerals you may need, for any remedies, for checking the purity of fruit and vegetables you are buying, for finding missing things, locating leaks in pipes and for finding the answers to many other practical questions.
It is a useful skill that anyone can learn.

It is especially important to be aware of Geopathic Stress and its causes and effects, and knowing of its existence may be the missing link to your regaining and maintaining your good health.
By Susan Scott Powell













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